December 17, 2012 Artist Image


An absolutely gorgeous album. From start to finish it has the perfect blend of old school C64 mixed with a more contemporary chilled sound and the SID is treated as an equal instrument and never feels like it has been just stuck on. Beautiful melodies throughout, this one is highly recommended for C64 & Amiga lovers as it is up there with the masters Rob Hubbard, Chris Huelsbeck and Tim Wright. Favorite track: Flying.

Martin MillarBandcamp

A virtual high five to Martin Millar who led me to this gem of an album. The SID meets synth combination here is absolutely stellar and I dearly hope to hear more from Pawel Blaszczak. Favorite track: Restore Home.

Stein Gunnar BakkebyBandcamp
Days and Dreams Load Ready Run Zynoxydox Restore Home Summer Rain Good Morning Loader Night Playing Press Start Dungeons and Treasures Flying High Score Mars Patrol Days of 8bits Sid Hall of Fame